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Dance in the dark
Some girls are dying to dance up front.

late night/early morning itch
Thursday, January 13, 2011, 3:53 AM
It's 2:34 am and I'm probably an hour away from sleepy. For several nights already, I'd sleep when some early-bird roosters would start doing their cock-a-doodle thing. I say "early-bird roosters" because I find it odd why they do that that early.

Yes, it's pretty much a hell week for me this week; but instead of fear, I actually feel excited and challenged--and I'm loving this feeling of exhilaration: of how I should be coping with a lot of things I have to do, of how I should manage my time, and of how I must reach these deadlines I've set or else it'd be detrimental to me, or worse, to others. I love it. But when all you think about the whole day is Philosophy, COA Awards, and LM's YES Report, you'd get tired. I got tired. I'm tired. But I'm not sad that I have to handle these things. It's just that, I need a break.

Actually, I did have a "break." I fell asleep. But you know what's annoying about that? No, it's not the fact that I fell asleep, which rendered me unproductive for about two hours; what's annoying is that when I woke up, the first thing that came across my mind was, "Sh*t, YES Report."

Don't you just want to get a break sometimes? So this is what I'm doing now as I'm itching for one. But instead of ranting about how I have to go about these things, or instead of sleeping and waking up just to find myself thinking about the important stuff I'm supposedly and responsibly taking care of, I'll take my mind off them by blogging. After all, it's been months since I last posted something here--But that's not really the point.

So how do I start this? Well, I've been meaning to blog since December 31/January 1 so I guess this should be a head start. Yes, like all other bloggers or sentimental people (I apologize on how I'm generalizing people), I like to look back on how my year has passed come new year's eve. And actually, I did--I just wasn't able to put it into writing. So here goes.

2010 was by far the best year. And I guess I keep on saying this every year but I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I don't mind because I wouldn't complain that my year gets better each time. So why, then, do I claim this anyway? Well, this is 'coz I've grown so much this year--or at least this is how I'd like to think of it. 2010 has brought so many new things and opportunities onto the table for me to grab. I became LM's Education Head which got me so worked-up starting summer and especially during the first semester; I became the RecWeek Co-Head which was a whole new experience of handling the task of a head, hence, making me come out of my shell that I never knew existed; I turned 18 and got loads of surprises and love; I met Philosophy, which made me question what I'm doing and think of the whole lot of experiences I'm missing--which, thus, made me liberal; I missed another induction climb but it was OK because I had a great sembreak and the decision of missing it was for my mom; I joined ASLA which made me realize so many things about myself; I cut finance which unexpectedly got me involved in so many things I'm doing and enjoying now as it turned me into a volunteer of Team Pinoy, Inc./Kabayanihan Foundation--a volunteer for better Filipino people; I got into a roller coaster ride of love and relationships, with people coming in and out, people who keeps on staying, and surprisingly, people coming back; and I even became a godmother this early! AND more than that, I met so many people along the way: people who are as passionate as I am for the environment; people who are so fun to be with and professional in terms of working; people who are such great leaders in so many different fields (special mention: ASLA); and people with so many things in common up to the point of having the same birthday. These people, as cliche as it may sound, have helped shape me into who I am now.

Those are just some of the highlights of my year.And I have to stress this: Of course, there were so many ups and downs along the way--and it's completely normal. That's why when I look back at it, I have "no regrets... just love."

So what more can I write? Ah! Yes, my resolutions! I haven't really finished listing them and I say there's nothing wrong with this fact. After all, I can make resolutions at any time of the year--I just won't call them new year's resolutions! So here are some of them: 1) Don't be late for class (Hello Lolo/Daddy Henson, this is your fault but thank you!); 2) Be more updated with the news about the country; and 3) Use a planner (special thanks to TPI for putting our country into my planner). OK, that's all that I could think of or remember as of now.

It's already been an hour since I've started typing this blog, and I guess I'll end this with one more thing: Learn to choose. This blog has been a witness to so many dilemmas I got into. And now, as usual, I'm faced with them. I'm faced with a dilemma on leadership, and I'm faced with dilemmas in other matters.

So I guess that's it for now. I must get some sleep. It was nice having this break to get my mind off things and responsibilities. Now, it's time to get back to being responsible.

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A toast to LIFE
Monday, August 23, 2010, 12:49 AM
ADVENTURE. This has always been what I wanted and what LM would never seem to run out of. So last Saturday, we went on a roadtrip to Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija. I devoted that Accounting-free day to LM because I for one, wanted to go back to Gabaldon and bond with the Dumagats ('coz I didn't get to do it the last time I went there). Secondly, I wanted to take my mind off the F's I've been having in the past week and get some fresh, academics-free air just to clear my mind. And of course, thirdly, I went there for the fun I'd be having with an awesome set of friends.

Going back to Gabaldon felt nice. Ocular-wise, the soil wasn't hard anymore and there were more vegetation (or there were probably just more cogon grass). It seemed to be at a better condition for CAREFOR this year. The sad part though was that there was an area that caught fire. But it's recovering, thanks to the rainy season. Despite these, however, going back felt odd--but I can't seem to put my finger to why it's so. Was it the absence of the chikitings? The new arrangement of the houses? The wider river?

Besides the ocular that we had, we went there, as I said, for adventure. Seven river-crossings (14 in total back and forth) were done just so we could jump off from some 20-foot high rock (correct my estimates if I'm wrong though) and see more of Gabaldon's beauty. The place was really breathtakingly-pristine. I would go through those river-crossings all over again just so I could see it again. Next time though, I would want to camp out there, too, and wake up to that sight.

From Pinagkampuhan, we went back to where we camped out during last February's CAREFOR and had lunch. And saw. . . Live porn. Thing is, no matter how we tried to reason out why a guy's and his girlfriend's position was like so--the guy, sitting on a rock and was on the lookout, and the girl probably looking for pebbles in the water somewhere in between the guy's legs, we only got to one conclusion: No, they weren't having sex along the river. [inside joke: "mag-ilog nalang tayo" Ha ha ha]

But if these didn't seem like much of an adventure to you, I would love to expound on my river-crossing experience.

The river was a beauty--clean and clear water making its way through the valley in a ravaging speed. Of course the current wasn't like that the whole time. It could be likened to a white water rafting experience in CDO where the course wasn't entirely fast and rapid and there were still waters. But the "still waters' "current in Gabaldon was strong enough to actually pull you away from your stance in the water. And it did.

Hand-in-hand, the tres marias of LM/Batch 19 were slowly but surely getting dragged away by the current. It was because of the sand they were stepping on which made resisting the current all the more harder. We were denying the possibility of getting dragged into the rapids. So with laughter, I and Elle were seriously dragged into the current; Ces was luckily caught in time by our guide. With my head bobbing in and out of the water, I was wondering how far it was to the next rapids full of rocks. I was scared, but more importantly, I was excited.  Is it near? Will I die? Will I still find my slipper that got lost in the river? I used what I learned in my white water rafting experience in CDO: float like as if you were sitting--face the current but legs must go first. As soon as I saw a large rock, I took hold of it. But the current was strong enough and the side of the rock was too slippery that I slid and lost hold of it. Not wanting to wait until the rocky rapids arrived though, I counter-swam the current with whatever strength I had and as soon as I grabbed the rock again, I felt safe. The rock actually became a protection from the current. I went up the rock and saw Elle at a farther distance on the other side of the river being grabbed by one of our Dumagat guides. The other guide was pursuing me, as well, by letting himself be dragged by the rapids, too. Amazing naturals.

Like I said, LM never seem to run out of adventures.

So as our day ended, we talked about a lot of things like having to try everything and anything and having to make mistakes as early as possible. As our conversations continued, we ended up asking each other over a glass of weng-weng and beer, "Are you happy?" and looking back at the day, of course I was! It was probably a near-death experience; But now that it's done, we laugh at it. More importantly though, we drank to the gift and blessing of LIFE!

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"Life is fair" strikes again
Friday, August 20, 2010, 12:24 AM
I was supposed to entitle this "'Life is never fair' strikes again" but I remember someone telling me earlier that we should never say never. If you actually think about it, it is in this never-ness of life to be fair that life actually becomes fair. Fairness is subjective to each and everyone. But this is exactly what fairness means objectively--to never be fair to everyone. Reflect on this and you'll see how this is ironic but true. Or at least that's how I see it.

So how exactly is my life fairing right now?

Devastating, I must say. I got this F-ing F in my Marketing WAC after my effort of cramming and writing that five-page paper in less than 1.5 hours. Imagine also having to read the lengthy company report and trying to comprehend everything that had been said in less than 10 minutes. I might seem to be exaggerating things but this is how time felt at that time (and I'm most likely accurate on this).

Yes. My effort went straight down the drain since my paper was received late by my professor. Y!mail was such a bitch that I had attachment and sending problems for that paper so it was sent, I guess, beyond the deadliest deadline. My prof wasn't considerate and I know he has all the reason not to be. He gave me an F. Begging didn't do any good and he just told me to learn from this experience. Fine. Then here comes some people you'd want to hear sympathy from but instead laugh at your despicable mistake in the efforts of making you laugh as well. Great.

I'm not going to hide it. I was furious about what had happened. All my efforts disappeared in a span of seconds and my prof didn't reconsider. And that emotion turned into tears. I know I said "crying must not exist in college" in one of my blogs but these tears just made things better for me. Words from friends made me smile a bit. The annoying laughs actually made me laugh a bit. And this quote also lightened the mood a bit:

Sometimes, beauty is in the attempt. We took a shot. We gave it everything we could. We did it well. It just didn't work out. And when that happens, you've got two options: you can sit in a public park and drink cheap beer or you can celebrate the attempt. -One Tree Hill

So why does it have to happen when I'm all stressed out? Why does it have to happen at this point in time? Why does it have to happen to me? I know all these questions are too cliche and dejavu-ish; so yes, I know I should have learned from them way back when I experienced them first. Hence, here comes my guilt and conscience knocking at my door. "It's your fault." I KNOW! This makes me feel all the more terrible because I know that I should've changed but I'm also aware that I'm not changing much. For many times I've tried to resolve my personal problems and yet I haven't gained mastery and control over myself.

I'm hating myself. I'm hating myself and the way I'm becoming!

So from now on, I should be hard on myself. You out there should stop telling me to take things easily. Some things, after all, must not be taken easily. I, too, have goals in life, may they be too superficial. I dwell in accomplishments. I fear failure--though I know failures must be embraced and be avenues for learning once they happen. I know this despite me still hating failures and even if my semester so far could actually be described as a series of failures. 

STAND UP, Weanne.

I must be hard on myself. I will remain spontaneous and fun but I must be aware of my actions and their consequences. I must care more about what I do. And I must know the parameters of everything that must be done (e.g. the actual time of deadline for a WAC).

SIGH. I want to take the first option in the quote I mentioned.
I want to pig out. I want to drink. I want to get drunk.


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OUT OF WORDS (More than words part 2)
Sunday, July 04, 2010, 9:07 PM
Ok, so last June 15, a lot of surprises for me happened. It was an awesome experience as you might have read in my previous blog--IF you had the patience and time to read it.

But last June 18, during my birthday treat with my high school friends, yet another SURPRISE happened. I can't believe pisay batchmates made another one. 18 dares (actually, we still have six more to do), the birthday donuts, and the awesome symposium over a deck of icebreaker cards and some alcohol. That was a great bonding time with you guys. I was so taken aback. I felt the love. <3

Then again, last June 26, another surprise happened. It was so unexpected as I thought Nice, Joana, and I were "just" supposed to have dinner at Shang. We were all dressed up (though I thought I might've been overdressed as compared to Nice and Joana) and we all looked stunning. But as Nice's lie uncovered as we arrived at UP to "return Nic's camera and check up on her 'coz Nice doesn't trust Nic's date," a SURPRISE DEBUT materialized right before my eyes. THAT WAS JUST TOO MUCH. YOU GUYS MADE ME CRY AGAIN! No, I'm not complaining because of what you did. But you--blockmates--did a lot already for my "coming of age" and this debut was just too much. I can't believe how much preparations you've put into it. I can't believe how you were able to invite my different groups of friends, and how you were able to manage to put it up flawlessly. Yes, you guys really surprised me. I never thought you'd do this for me. I never really speculated any of this; well you didn't give any hints! THIS WAS SURELY BETTER THAN A SHANG DINNER :) I LOVE YOU ALL!

I can't truly express my feelings here, right now. This blog is a week late and I'm still out of the right words to express my truest feelings. But I do hope you--friends, blockmates, LM, batchmates, family--know how thankful I am.


Thank you! Merci beauccoup! :')

Dearest Lord,
Thank you so much for showering me with all these blessings. You are the best!

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010, 1:15 PM
Eighteen years (and a day) ago, at 7:10 AM, a baby girl was born. Her dad wasn't anywhere near her at that time but it was he who gave her her rather unique name that sometimes get people tongue-tied, or frozen out of cluelessness of how to spell her name: Lawreanne, or more commonly known as Weanne.

Yesterday, as she turned 18, she entered the realm of adulthood, letting go of her childish plays and trying to act like a lady that she should be. She wore a dress. She walked with poise. She was girly.

She started her day right. Weanne woke up early, got herself ready and then went to church with her parents. As it was also her first day of classes, she went straight to her 7:30 am Statistics class that turned out to be a free-cut. Was it a blessing? Could it have been annoying? Or both? We don't know. What we do know is that it was where she got her first horde of greetings from her MAC blockmates; it was, afterwards, also a time for her to sleep more in the air-conditioned room where her parents were staying--the dorm infirmary. :)

By 10:30 am, she went to a meeting. There at the four corners of the COA room, she got her second horde of greetings from COA CB officers. It was also there that she got her first rose: from her SP mommy, Les. Minutes later, a second "rose" in the form of a small bouquet of yellow flowers came in as given by Pia; and much later on, a third rose, accompanied by a cupcake was given to her along the hallway by Jo. On the way out, she saw OSA professionals and got greeted by Sir Chris and Ma'am Rica.

Lunch came and Weanne was having a hard time carrying the roses, cupcake, and her lunch. Her parents came to join her for a brief five minutes at the Zen Garden but that was just that since she had her PhyChem lab at 12:30. She went to her class. Nagkakagaramo la gihap.

The Physical Chemistry Laboratory was a small air-conditioned room. But no, it wasn't cold at all. Everyone was just noisy. Then, the class was about to start when her non-Tuesday-lab-blockmates suddenly came inside with pink, blue, and purple balloons, singing a happy birthday song to Weanne. Four mountaineers trudged along with three more roses for her--Elle's, Niquo's, Raisa's, and Pia was with them. Then, a huge box covered with brown paper and accented with a purple ribbon was brought into the room. Tears started flowing on Weanne's cheeks. What was she thinking? Was it a painting inside?

"Open it! You'll get to use that in the mountains!" was the chant inside the room. So the idea of a painting was probably scratched from her thoughts. Weanne ripped off the gift wrapper and what she found inside was a white box. It was light. Peeking inside the box, she could see pink crepe paper all over; when she did get to finally open it, she found a very sparkly pink and purple dress. It was as if she was given a dress to wear to a prom! It was just too much. Tears. EVERYONE of her blockmates and co-mountaineers deserved a hug. No, they deserved MORE than a hug.

After all the sweet ruckus and hullabaloos, the class continued on. Weanne was given the first syllabus as it was her birthday. A privilege! The rest had to endure the "Get one and pass" routine; well, not that it's that hard.

By the end of the class, Weanne went back to the dorm with Jem and Jon. Yes, she needed that much help to carry the gifts she had been receiving. As they went back, ideas of eating in McDonalds came to their minds. When they got there though, that idea vanished. Jem went with Weanne to her room. Apparently, Nice and Joana were also in the dorm so they went up to UDS 701 to be with the celebrant. There, they insisted on Weanne's wearing of the dress.

Such stage mothers! Jem, Joana, and Nice were all taking pictures of Weanne. She looked really pretty. The dress fitted perfectly. Nothing seemed to have gone wrong. And so the day went on.

By 4:30 pm, Ces and Nile went to the dorm with two more roses. By then, the debutant had eight roses. And since a meeting was called for by the LM president, Miko, the three girls went to the LM Pillar, the usual tambayan.

On their way they met a lot of her friends: her roommate Sheena and some recweek core members: Jobo, Ivy, and Dave. Though it may seem to be assuming of her, Weanne noticed the stalling attempts of Jobo and the suspicious origin of the direction of Sheena's walk.

When she arrived at the pillar, she was met by LM friends. Seven roses were added to the previous eight: Ryan's, Luke's, Emilio's, Glenn's, Rod's, Maki's, and John's. And a cake carried by the only person she can call "Kuya" in LM, was in the middle of the showcase of roses.

18. Wish. Blow the candle. Tears. No one was saved from a hug.

So that was the meeting. Coincidentally, there was an ice cream vendor by the LM Pillar. Everyone who wanted got some for free, all on Weanne. She treated them. And of course, the cake was eaten. Her brother took (or more like stole) some utensils from the cafeteria. Everyone ate.

By around 5:30 pm, rain started to pour. No, make that HEAVY RAIN. Weanne thought of bathing in God's blessings but figured otherwise. Her parents might not be so pleased with the idea. So while waiting for the rain to stop, they hanged out at the pillar. By 6 pm, Weanne and her Kuya had to go to their parents. A celebration awaited.

It was not until 6:30 when Weanne's family got on board a cab. The destination? Eastwood City. There, they watched the dancing fountains move to the beat of the music. "Love Story" was once again in the air, just like our débutante's 17th birthday last year. As her cousins and uncle arrived, they went and ate at Crisostomo, a Filipino-cuisine restaurant. The food was superb, but Weanne's roommates and bestfriend haven't arrived yet.

When everyone was stuffed, Karlo's box was given to him by Weanne's mom. She insisted on Karlo to opening the box just so he could see what his mom brought for him. When he opened it, he hesitated. Then, as with all other hesitations, he revealed the contents of the box. And with much surprise, it was a boxful of presents for Weanne!

Everyone else knew about it except her. Everyone was smiling at her reaction. Weanne was still dumbfounded. But to continue the momentum of the event, she opened some of her gifts, starting with her siblings'. And so on. . .

Her roommates arrived: Ingrid and Rona and they were both carrying a rose each. Two were added to the already 15 roses. Sheena couldn't make it because of another event. Soon after the two arrived, Mara, Weanne's bestfriend, arrived. The three ate while the rest ate Black Forest cake, which by the way was Fina's gift. After dinner and a lot of chit-chats, the family, including Weanne's friends took pictures.

After the so-called pictorial, everyone went separate ways, depending on their destinations. Weanne's family and friends went to DQ as his brother was craving for some. It so happens that DQ was at the back of the events area's stage and Richard Poon, a great singer, was having a performance. While enjoying ice cream, Weanne's friends dared her to ask the singer if he was related, in any way, to another Poon that they knew of in Ateneo. Although the dare seemed impossible at first, impossible became the most inappropriate description since Richard Poon finished his performance and went backstage. Hah! See how the universe conspires to make the impossible happen!

After DQ and the Poon experience, everyone went back to Ateneo. It was a tiring day.

But nothing seemed to stop Weanne's friends. Again, the universe has conspired for yet another act. By the time the cab arrived in Ateneo, Weanne's eyes went blind. She was stumbling into a lot of things, although led by her bestfriend and roommates. The walk wasn't unfamiliar to her, though, because of the very familiar terrain. This, instead, questioned the blindness that Weanne was in. "Are you sure you really can't see where you're going?" :)

What happened next was really something. To set the scene, let us talk about this: In the recent past, everyone made a fuss about everyone else's 18th birthdays. Jethro was given 18 shots and Irwin had 18 mouthfuls of healthy food. So, as a form of revenge to the co-mastermind of those previous birthdays, Weanne was given 18 unhealthy foods. Yes, because of the face that she's become a health buff--sort of-- she was given these 18 unhealthy-calorie-rich foods; well, something to that extent: ice cream, chippy, corned beef, french fries, sausage, chicken fillet, gravy, coke, taquitos, something, burger, rice, chocolate, butter, oishi vinegar chips (?), chips, cup noodles, red horse beer. PICTURES. SMILES. SMIRKS. YUCKS. LAUGHTER.

And apparently, this was the only group picture that they had. AND THEY WEREN'T EVEN COMPLETE :| Jethro and Erz aren't here.

What happened next was DEFINITELY A SURPRISE. Weanne was clueless about the whereabouts of the new venue where they transferred from the Cervini Cliff. Finally, her blindfold was taken off. Her eyes got blinded by her friends who were surrounding her and by the light that was emanating from what was in front of her--the COA EB in a video, projected on the wall. Her ears were deafened by the birthday song that reverberated in the hallway. Everyone was singing. Everyone was talking and smiling. And then came her 18th, and final rose, from her roommate Sheena and/or bestfriend Mara. While all of these happened, Weanne was obviously overwhelmed and taken aback; she got teary-eyed again--more so when a mini-slide show/video/message/card was played for her. It was amazing. After all, why would she have thought that they'd be doing something like that for her? It was yet another highlight of her birthday.

It was definitely a long day for the new lady. They returned to the dorm full of laughter and smiles. Happiness could be seen on Weanne's eyes. They forgot to take a group picture though--well, who could actually think of that when you're all enjoying each other's company? After the surprises, Weanne's mom insisted on a photoshoot. The night ended with lots of pictures, smiles, laughter, and tears.


That's right.

On the eve my birthday, I was just so tired; my classes the next day would start at 7:30 am, well supposedly; and we had decided to go to church at 6:55 am . . . so my parents wanted to put me to bed immediately. However, by the strike of 12 MN (a little earlier, actually), birthday greetings started coming in. My phone was ringing ecstatically and calls were also coming in. I thought to myself, "This is gonna be a lot." I wasn't able to reply to all and I was only able to answer one single call (that of Mara's) because mom told me to turn my phone to silent, otherwise, I wouldn't get any sleep at all. HAHA

So yeah, the next day happened. And shave my head if you don't believe me: I WAS OVERWHELMED AND TOUCHED. I couldn't have asked for more. This was too much, seriously. For sure, a debut party wouldn't have overthrown the happiness I felt yesterday. I don't care if you claim to be corny and I don't care if I'm sounding cheesy. This was definitely much better. This was just. GAAH.

The moment I stepped into the chapel, I prayed to Daddy God. I thanked Him for making me reach 18. I thanked Him for my friends, my family, everyone who loves and cares for me, and everyone so dear to me. I thanked Him for the people who remembered. I thank Him for loving me despite my shortcomings. I thank Him for EVERYTHING. And I prayed that my day would go so well.

It did.

The moment I stepped into that classroom, I was happy everyone greeted me. I don't care if Facebook was the one that reminded you or if you really knew that it was my day. I WAS HAPPY!

The moment I received my first rose, I was surprised. That was, honestly, unexpected! Then roses were coming in randomly, in terms of time, but from people so dear to me; and I FELT LIKE A LADY! :)

The moment my blockmates/the B-committee came into our Chem Lab Class, I was taken aback and tears were seriously falling. The balloons were cute! LM was there! And this huge gift was given to me!

The moment you guys (well, girls) made me fit that dress, I was freaked out that it fit me snugly! And you were even taking pictures! It was funny how you scouted for that dress, telling me stories of how you fitted it. Nice, Joana, and Jem, you are awesome stage mothers! (And let me just share, my mom let me fit it, too!) Hey, wearing that dress transformed me. From a lady, I WAS TURNED INTO A PRINCESS!

The moment people stalled me, you made me assume. HAHA. But I didn't know what would happen. Kuya, I wasn't expecting you to be there in the middle, holding the cake with the candle "18". We're you the one behind it? I wouldn't know. And you even contacted my roommates. KINIKILIG AKO.

The moment the rain started to pour, I knew Daddy God was showering me with blessings. I seriously wanted to bathe in those blessings. The rain was so heavy that I knew it was proportional to the blessings I've been receiving that day. Just imagine me getting drenched and wet in that my dress. It would've been great of a feeling for me! But I hesitated because I wouldn't want my parents to worry. :|

The moment my mom and dad gave me their present, I was so happy and thankful! Mom and Dad, you are the so thoughtful. I didn't have earrings on at that time, so you gave me a pair! And they were just in theme with the other gold jewelry I was wearing. HAHA.

The moment the dancing fountains in Eastwood jived to the song of "Love Story," I felt that yesterday was a continuation of my 17th birthday. HAHA. And well, well, well, if it were, I did get my "18th" dare (the continuation of the 17 dares last year) that was associated with Richard Poon. :)

The moment that boxful of presents were given to me, I WAS SHOCKED. I honestly didn't think you'd be giving me that. I didn't think my relatives would be sending me presents and I thought that box was really for Karlo. Wyonna, you are the most thoughtful of all. You even made sure I'd get at least 18 presents. Your's were the best and most thought of; yours were the most effort-made ones! You should've been with us that night! You were missed! :)

The moment I accepted that dare, I thought to myself, "Here we go again." But I don't regret it. Richard Poon is a good singer and a friendly one at that! He's a La Sallista and he wished me a happy birthday! :)

The moment we arrived in the dorm, I was annoyed by the fact that I was blindfolded while replying to one of the birthday greetings/texts. HAHA. But worry not, I was excited! Although I hated the fact that I had to stuff more food in my already-stuffed stomach with unhealthy bite-size foods, I was eager to know what you had under your sleeves; and it felt like a guessing game! :)

The moment you brought me to the Cervini hallway, I didn't know where we were; and when that video was shown, I thought it was live. HAHAHA. COA EB, that was so unexpected! You all are so thoughtful! And you all deserve a HUG! >:D<

The moment you sang me a happy birthday, and the moment you showed me that video/message dump, I FELT LOVED. I read the messaged earlier and I was crying. Jethro, you got what you wanted. "Umiyak ka ah" (or something like that).

The moment my mom and dad let me have a pictorial/photoshoot, and the moment my mom let me wear the dress that was given to me, I laughed at the stage-motherly presence. Mom and Dad, you are not normally like that. That's why I laughed. And here then, I knew how much you value me as your daughter. :) I LOVE YOU BOTH.

So yesterday was just awesome, superb, overwhelming, breathtaking, . .  A BLAST. I can't believe how lucky of a girl--now supposedly a lady-- that I am.

And by the way Donna, your present is just so adorable! I LOVE IT! :) http://robo.to/dohonnah?iid=401292

MORE THAN WORDS. All these that I’ve been typing in the past several hours are not enough to tell you guys how happy and thankful I am. You don't know how happy HAPPY I am. I'm so joyful, blissful, terrific, jolly, and whatever synonyms you could think of. My 18th birthday will forever be treasured in the deepest and darkest (meaning, it's really deep. haha) depths of my heart.

So, THANK YOU EVERYONE!! Thank you for all the surprises! The balloons, roses, cakes, presents, gimmicks, your presence, and even just by your greetings. YOU ARE THE BEST SET OF FRIENDS ONE COULD WISH FOR. YOU ARE THE BEST ORGMATES ONE COULD HAVE. YOU ARE THE MOST AWESOME FAMILY ONE COULD EVER ASK FOR. AND DADDY GOD, YOU ARE JUST THE BEST! I HUG YOU ALL! I LOVE YOU ALL!


MORE THAN WORDS. Is all you have to do to make it real. Then you wouldn't have to say, that you love me. 'Coz I already know. (Ingrid, I laugh at the telepathic communication we had on this)

Yes, I know you love me. And I hope you know I love you, too. <3

Yes, this was uploaded just today, June 18. But the blog was written last June 16 (well, it was started to be written that day) but since I lost my internet connection, it was just now that I got to publish this.

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Lawreanne Sanico. I am adventurous, active, outgoing, friendly, and everything you could think of. It's a Gemini thing--loving duality, that could sometimes lead to unintentional hypocrisy. I love writing but I hate reading books. I love dancing and i miss it so much. If you wanna know more about me, view my profile here.

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Donna Bel Flores. Awesome friend who got me back on blogger! Mara Banez. My bestfriend! Eos Maxine Evite. My gorgeous roommate!